Case Study

A Classic case in Point is When A Client/Investor/Investment Group Owns a Retail shopping center.

Perhaps you have a higher than normal vacancy rate and/or you haven’t been able to escalate your lease rates for some time.

Roshan Properties as an Advisor on Behalf of your Esteemed Client can perform a study of the current property and comparable, evaluating a variety of factors. They may provide recommendations like updating the property amenities, improve parking or traffic flow, or improving operational issues.

A Point to Evaluate is the tenant satisfaction and retention are down – they may make recommendations for improvement in this area. The point is, their job is to help you maximize your real estate investment, and they should have the experience and background to do just that!

Professional Services
We provide our clients with a comprehensive range of advisory services.
Advisory Services
Roshan Properties specializes in Professional services and deals with high profile clients.
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Some of the duties a Real Estate Advisory & Consultancy Firm often carries out are.
Case Study

While there is no magic formula that works for every scenario, the secret to making smart real estate investments is to hire a real estate advisory firm. In many cases, the return on investment far outweighs the costs for the advisory services.

Roshan Properties Advisors provides over 15 years of hands-On Experience in the Emirate of Dubai & the United Arab Emirates & can assist & Provide unique analytical processes to serve as a valued advisor for all types of Real Estate transactions – from concept to completion, from development to long-term producing income asset, and everything in between.